Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our privilege and responsibility is to take the Gospel to the planet in the power of the Spirit. That starts at home where we cross the street, but must continue to where we cross the oceans - to share the message of Jesus with all nations - people made in the image of God.

Smith family
Missionaries to Cambodia

Tessa Andrews
Missionary to Haiti
Active Missionaries
The Smith Family
The Smiths serve in Cambodia, sharing Jesus with people who have never heard about Jesus. Keep them in prayer and consider supporting them financially.
Tessa Andrews
Tessa serves in Haiti, through Hope for Kidz at Reciprocal Ministries International. Keep Tessa in prayer and consider supporting her financially.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to ALASKA
Every year we send a team to fly over 4,500 thousands of miles (1 way) to either 1) prep for those coming to Kokrine Hills Bible Camp 2) serve at the Children's Camp there.